Min Investment
USD$ 100,000.00
Management fee
Asset class
Management Fee
Total fee
Minimum investment
Additional transactions
Investor type
At Gama Investimentos, we strive to serve our clients and operate internally in the most transparent and ethical way possible. Therefore, we have created an exclusive channel for whistleblowing, suggestions, or complaints, for any and all matters related to Gama Investimentos, in which the contact person wishes for greater confidentiality in their communication and direct access to our Controls and Compliance area. The whistleblowing channel is thus a secure and confidential way to report any form of legal or regulatory non-compliance or even policies and codes previously established in the ethical conduct and culture of integrity and good practices within our company. To access this channel, we provide the email address denuncia@gamainvestimentos.com.brfor reporting.
Os dados pessoais coletados através deste website poderão ser tratados pela Gama Investimentos Ltda (“GAMA”) para compartilhamento de informações institucionais e dos seus fundos de investimento sob gestão através da nossa mailing list, sendo mantidos arquivados pelo prazo mínimo de 5 anos em cumprimento à regulação.
A GAMA está empenhada em salvaguardar a privacidade de seus clientes e usuários que visitam nosso website e adota uma série de recursos tecnológicos para a manutenção da privacidade dos dados que coleta, protegendo seus arquivos e sistemas contra acessos não autorizados e vazamentos. Qualquer solicitação de informação sobre o tratamento de dados pessoais pela GAMA poderá ser feita através do e-mail do encarregado: info@gamainvestimentos.com.br.”
Ao responder com seus dados cadastrais você concorda com o tratamento deles para a finalidade acima mencionada, sendo garantido o direito de revogar o presente consentimento a qualquer tempo mediante envio de pedido ao Encarregado.
Personal data collected through this website may be processed by Gama Investimentos Ltda (“GAMA”) for the purpose of sharing institutional information and information on its investment funds under management through our mailing list and will be kept on file for a minimum period of 5 years in compliance with regulations.
GAMA is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its clients and website users and adopts a range of technological measures to maintain the privacy of the data it collects, protecting its files and systems against unauthorized access and leaks. Any request for information about the processing of personal data by GAMA may be made through the email of the Data Protection Officer: info@gamainvestimentos.com.br.”
By providing your personal data, you agree to its processing for the aforementioned purpose, and you have the right to revoke this consent at any time by sending a request to the Data Protection Officer.